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Is the News Fake and the Facts Alternative? Why People Hear What They Want to Hear and How to Effectively Bridge the Divide


Monday September 25, 2017: 7:00pm to 8:30pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room


Fake news is only fake to those who don’t believe it. In other words, what we already think can color how we evaluate new persuasive messages, particularly about topics in which we are deeply invested (e.g., gun control, climate change, health recommendations).

This talk will explore some common pitfalls when evaluating information about which we already have opinions, as well as why we are so motivated to feel right (even when we may not be), and will conclude with some strategies for reducing these biases.

Dr. Allison Earl is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of the Health, Attitudes, and Influence Lab (HAILab) at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses primarily on what information people approach or avoid – and why – and how these tendencies impact what we think, feel, and do.

This program is presented in partnership with the University of Michigan Department of Psychology.