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to the Ann Arbor Sun

Now Free! live recordings from Strata Records when you subscribe to the SUN

If you order a mail delivery subscription to the Ann Arbor SUN you can get any one of these FREE:

1) a beautiful yellow and red Ann Arbor SUN T-shirt, or

2) Location, the first album by CJQ on the Strata label, includes some of the band's performances from 1970 - 1972, or

3) Inside Ourselves, a live Detroit performance by the legendary Motor City jazz unit, Sphere, or

4) John Sinclair's Guitar Army, about which LNS's Allen Young has said, "If you're interested in the political and cultural meaning of rock and roll, marijuana and LSD, then you should read Guitar Army."


Just clip and mail the coupon below, or order by phone by calling 313-994-4337.

__Mail 50 issues (1 year) of the SUN and a free T-shirt, book or record. COST: $10.00 (21 cents per issue).

__Mail 100 issues (2 years) of the SUN and a free T-shirt, book or record. COST: $18.00 (18 cents per issue).


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Clip and mail coupon, and make all checks payable to Rainbow Trucking Company, 603 E. William Street, Ann Arbor 48104.