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Back In the first issue I mentioned FCP,...

Back In the first issue I mentioned FCP,... image
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Back In the first issue I mentioned PCP, a drug that is a substitute for other compounds in the pills that are sold on the street. This week I want to rap down a llttle more what PCP is.

PCP is known by many names. It is Phencyclidine. It was sold by Parke-Davis as Sernyl and Sernylan. When sprinkled on parsley and smoked it is called "Angel Dust". On the West Coast it was sold as "Peace pill" and as "hog". It's all the same stuff. It has been found to be the active ingredient in all the garbage sold as THC and one of the principal ingredients in the Mescaline that has been sold on the street in Ann Arbor for the past six months or more.

PCP was originally developed as an aid to anesthesia. It did not pass the tests for human medical usage. In one test, when PCP was used as an anesthetic in childbirth, 10% of the mothers denied that the baby was theirs. PCP was then relegated to use only for animals One of its uses is as one of the drugs in tranquilizer darts. This is why it is frequently refered to as an animal tranquilizer (usually as a horse or pig tranq.).

PCP is properly termed a psychedelic down. People often report feeling very stoned, but with much more loss of functioning than when stoned on grass. They frequently feel very much numb, especially in hands, face and legs. This gives a very dead feeling. If you were expecting a high energy Mesc trip and got that it would not be unusual to think that you were dying and start to freak out. Dying (without awareness of PCP) can seem like a rational explanation and be very scary!!

PCP also totally messes up distance perception, especially near and far differences. This can be very dangerous in driving and often a source of fright, but it is not a serious physical problem and goes away as the drug wears off.

WARNING---OF SPECIAL RELEVANCE NOW THAT SUMMER (AND THE CONCERTS) ARE HERE. PCP reacts badly to alcohol and other downs, but the most frequent reaction is to booze (including beer and wine.) PCP is a down and mixing it with alcohol, another down, can quickly lead to a person passing out or stopping breathing. It would be wise then to not drink alcohol after taking any THC or Mesc, this summer. If you're hot and thirsty, fruit juice or milk or even pop would be wiser to drink.

If a brother or sister does mix these drugs and zones right out, and either passes out, or starts throwing up violently, keep them breathing and get them to the hospital as soon as possible. U. Hospital is cool on drug O.D.'s. If heavy vomiting does start, be sure to keep their mouth pointed down so that the vomit will drain and not be breathed into the lungs (called aspirated). These are not pleasant thoughts, but it is important enough that it may save a brother or sisters life. Downers can kill us far too easily, if we get involved in them. We have to raise consciousness as to all the things we put in our bodies.